When you are planning to move to a new property, you may simply assume that you will be able to do everything yourself and completely overlook working with a removal firm. Whilst there is no denying that you might be able to pack all of your boxes yourself and move these from one house to another, when it comes to moving furniture, things aren’t always as straightforward.
For this reason, it is always recommended that homeowners turn to a professional furniture removal company to assist them with this particular part of their move. If you’re contemplating whether to hire a moving company to help with your furniture, below are some of the main reasons why you should always call in a team of experts.
They will protect your furniture during the move
Contrary to popular belief, furniture removal companies will probably take better care of your furniture on moving day than you would. They will ensure that any required protection is in place before your furniture is moved and they will use protective transit blankets and specially designed coverings to ensure that nothing is damaged. The safe handling and delivery of your furniture really is paramount to them.
They can help you dismantle your furniture
When attempting to move furniture themselves, you may find you have to disassemble everything you can to make moving easier, which can be a lot of hassle. Taking things apart and then putting them back together again at the other end all takes time, so this really isn’t something you will want to be dealing with on your moving day. Thankfully, when you use a furniture removal company such as Moving Home Made Easy, they offer a disassembly and reassembly service, so this tedious process is taken care of for you.
They are strong enough to lift all pieces of furniture
So many homeowners injure themselves on moving day and more often than not, these injuries are caused by lifting heavy pieces of furniture. A furniture removal company can help to prevent a trip to A&E and also lots of aches and pains, not just for yourself but for any family members and friends who are helping you move too. You can trust that a team of movers will be more than capable of lifting all of your furniture, no matter how heavy it may be.
They know how to navigate stairs and awkward corners
Of course, furniture removal companies help homeowners with their furniture day in day out, so they will know how to safely move furniture from one house to another. You won’t have to worry about how you’re going to get things up the stairs, around awkward corners and down narrow hallways, you can rely on a team of experts to handle this for you and it is likely that they will be able to do all of these things with ease.
They will have a big enough van for your furniture
It can be so easy to overlook how you’re going to move things like your wardrobes and mattress to your new home, and tying these things to the roof of your car really isn’t the best option available. When you hire a furniture removal company, they will have vehicles with plenty of room for all of your furniture. Often, they will be able to take everything to your new home in one trip too, speeding up the whole moving process.
Finding a reliable furniture removal company
All in all, it is fair to say that even though you may be more than capable of handling the majority of your move by yourself, when it comes to moving your furniture from one house to another, you really should hire some professionals to help you. Simply working with a furniture removal company can make moving day so much less stressful for you and you will definitely thank yourself in the long run for not attempting to move everything independently.
Whenever you’re looking for a furniture removal company you can trust to help with your house move, be sure to contact us here at Moving Home Made Easy. Our team of incredibly experienced movers will gladly assist you with your furniture and when you turn to us for moving services, you can have complete peace of mind knowing that your furniture will be carefully handled at all times and protected where necessary. We don’t just move your furniture, we care for it as if it was our own, and we will go above and beyond to ensure that you’re satisfied with the service we provide. We look forward to hearing from you.