Move day can be difficult enough; don’t make it worse by doing your back in!
There are general guidelines – or maximum weights – for men and women. If applying these, men shouldn’t attempt to lift anything heavier than 25kg and a woman’s maximum limit is 16kg.
If in any doubt, you should carry out a risk assessment before lifting, since the safe limit depends on a wide range of variables such as the individual involved, the height that you will be lifting and the distance you will be required to carry the object.
- Stand directly in front of the item you wish to lift.
- Check if the item has handles which you could use.
- Know where you are taking the object before you begin.
- Position your feet evenly (shoulder width apart).
- Keep your back straight and stand up tall.
- Tighten your stomach muscles.
- Squat to the floor by bending your knees – DO NOT move your upper body.
- Take hold of the object firmly with both hands.
- Distribute the weight evenly – make sure you are not unbalanced.
- Keeping the object close to your body, begin to stand up by straightening your legs
(this will use your leg muscles and shouldn’t put strain on other areas). - Stand up slowly. Do not move quickly or jerk when doing this .
- You can now walk with the object, but be careful not to twist your body unnecessarily.
- Take small steps if possible.
- If you are carrying a large object which restricts your view, ask if someone can guide
you. This will prevent you from tripping or bumping into objects. - When placing the item down, bend your legs.
- Remember to keep your back straight as you bend down again.
- Be careful to lower each side of the object to the floor separately – this will avoid
trapping your fingers.
Hopefully these tips make lifting boxes a whole lot easier!
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